Saturday, June 22, 2019

Lysol Click Gel Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Lavender, 4ct

Lysol Click Gel Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Lavender, 4ct

Lysol Click Gel Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Lavender, 4ct

The best cleaning products for the toilet

The toilet room and its cleanliness - this is what is the best way to say about the accuracy of the hostess of the apartment. On the modern market there is a rich assortment of all kinds of substances that easily remove plaque and give neatness and gloss to the bathroom. Toilet bowl cleaners triumph over germs and clean the faience surface. In addition, they greatly facilitate cleaning, making it simple, but quite effective.
The main types of pollution toilet bowls
Depending on the type of pollution, you must use the appropriate detergents.
Giving the toilet cleanliness is the primary task, which is not too difficult to realize. It is important to regularly pay attention to this accessory, otherwise you can wait for such a situation when the dirt is densely injected, and it will be incredibly difficult to get rid of it.
It should be noted that usually the following contaminants appear on the surface of the toilet bowl, which must be cleaned by the housewives:
lime scurf that occurs when tap water has a high salt content and high levels of hardness. To combat it you need to use toilet cleaners that contain alkaline substances;
rust may occur in the case when the pipes through which water flows to the bathroom are not new and clean. Acid can handle it;
Domestic pollution that is deposited on the surface is removed with substances called surfactants;
the bad smell that breeding bacteria cause is quickly and easily removed by bleach, as a rule, it contains most of these products. In addition, they contain fragrances that perfectly mask any fragrance.

Gel is an economical and easy-to-use toilet cleaner.
It is worth noting that to combat the pollution of sanitary products such substances and means are used:
Chemically active, which pretty quickly tidy up the toilet bowl surface:
gel: perfectly applied to the surface of the toilet, moreover, its structure allows, slowly spreading, to take with it all the germs and bacteria. As a rule, for the convenience of applying such substances a bottle is used with a spout that is bent at a certain angle, which allows you to direct the flow of funds even to hard-to-reach places;
liquid: less economical means that quickly drains into the water;
powder: you have to constantly rub into the walls of the product, seeking their purification. Therefore, they are not very convenient for cleaning;
cream: gently removes plaque without damaging the surface of the earthenware. Unfortunately, manual application deprives him of consumer popularity.
Preventive, the main task of which is to prevent pollution:

tablets, washers or cubes that need to be attached to the toilet so that the drained water passes through them, ensuring the release of detergent and refreshing particles;
Magnetic rings, which must be installed directly in the drain tank. They have a high cost, but at the same time effectively dissolve pollution.
Folk remedies that have not the worst ability to deal with unpleasant phenomena:
Choosing a tool that helps effectively bring cleanliness in the bathroom, you should, first of all, pay attention to the most economical, which, moreover, can be used without much effort.
The best tool for cleaning the toilet

Acid or alkali in the composition of the cleanser helps to get rid of rust.
Any woman who manages the household is faced with the need to make a decision and choose the best toilet cleaner that removes plaque and gives the entire room the smell of freshness and cleanliness.
It should be noted that the correctly chosen cleaner copes with such problems:
removes impurities that appear during the operation of the product;
dissolves limescale;
removes rust marks on the surface;
disinfects the toilet.
To achieve the goals in the composition of the cleansing substance are the following ingredients:
Surfactants that combat organic pollution and are necessary for high-quality toilet bowl cleaning. As a rule, the safest species is considered to be non-ionic.
Acid or alkaline compounds that allow the dissolution of rust molecules, as well as plaque, which is quite often formed on the walls of the product. It should be noted that it is necessary to handle them with extreme caution so as not to get burned hands or mucous membranes.
Chlorine compounds that allow you to destroy bacteria and sanitize the bathroom.
To date, the most popular, and, therefore, effective, are considered such brands:
Cillit Bang. This toilet cleaner is created in the form of a gel, which makes its application simple and convenient. In addition, the tank is equipped with a spout that allows you to bring the substance to the most inaccessible places.

This gel contains hydrochloric acid, which dissolves and removes all contaminants, including rust. However, they must be worn when wearing gloves to prevent chemical burns.
The advantages of using Cillit Bang gel can be noted:
high efficiency;
minimum level of expenditure;
ergonomic packaging facilitates application.
Disadvantages of Cillit Bang Gel:
not the lowest price;
the tool is not equipped with a lid that children could not open.
Domestos. This tool for toilet bowls is also created in the form of a gel, which perfectly copes with quite complex types of contaminants. The acid which is in its structure perfectly dissolves rusty spots, and also fungi and bacteria.

This gel has important advantages:
its consistency is rather viscous and viscous, which makes it possible to evenly distribute it over the entire surface of the toilet bowl;
the lowest possible consumption of the substance with effective cleansing;
equipped with protection against opening by children.
presence of persistent and pungent odor.
"Comet 7 days of purity." This gel has the ability to keep cleanliness in the plumbing under control for a whole week. As the manufacturer notes, it is enough to apply it once, after which he copes with maintaining order for 7 days. The tool works due to sulfuric acid, which is in its composition.

Be sure to emphasize the following advantages:
the ability to remove any contamination;
low consumption with high efficiency;
small price;
prolonged protection plumbing;
a lid that children cannot open.
Disadvantages of cleaning agent:
quite a strong smell of chloride component.
"Toilet duckling". A gel that works on the basis of hydrochloric acid, thereby combating persistent stains.

It may be noted its advantages:
the presence of a spout that allows you to apply a tool under the bezel;
pleasant aroma;
affordable price;
effective fight against bacteria;
protective cap.
medium consistency, because of which the tool is consumed fairly quickly.
Sanox Ultra. A fairly good drug, it is produced by a domestic factory, which determines its low cost, and the effectiveness does not suffer from this at all. The active ingredient removes rust and plaque well, and it smells pretty good.

Advantages of "Sanoks Ultra":
low price;
effective work;
the presence of fragrances.
Disadvantages means:
not too thick texture;
packaging that does not have protection from children and a bent nose.
We clean the toilet with folk remedies

In the hardware stores there are various means for cleaning toilet bowls, which have differences not only in their cost, but also in their level of efficiency. Nevertheless, each hostess is quite capable of cleaning the plumbing, using the available folk remedies that are found in the house.
The most popular in the fight for the purity of the toilet recognized such methods:

Vinegar. The most common and gives excellent results due to the fact that it is an acid. Apply it as follows:
apply on walls and leave to affect for a period of from 20 to 30 minutes;
wash off with plenty of water.
Soda. Well washes deposits and plaque due to its abrasiveness. It should be applied to the walls of earthenware. In addition, it has an important ability to clean sewage.
Lemon acid. Allows you to clean the surface of the toilet bowl easily and simply. It is enough to apply it to the surface, after which it will be possible to get rid of both the annoyed plaque and the majority of microbes.
White. It contains chlorine and works great in cleaning the toilet. It must be applied in the evening to the substance worked throughout the night. After that, wash off the composition with water and not worry about the presence of bacteria.
DIY Toilet Cleaner

Craftsmen have long developed their own toilet cleaner, which with the maximum degree of efficiency can cope with various problems, including bacteria, dirt, plaque and unpleasant odor, while there are very few. In addition, such a substance will be as safe as possible for people living in the house, especially if they have all sorts of allergies, and pets.
How to cook it? You need to take some essential oils, vinegar, starch and salt. If the components are selected in the right quantity, you can hope to create a tool that will perfectly cope with all the problems of plumbing and caring for it.
Creating a toilet cleaner includes the following steps:
Put 3 teaspoons of coarse salt in a bowl and mix them with 3 tablespoons of starch.
Add to the resulting mixture 1/2 cup of water, then mix everything thoroughly.
Put the bowl on the stove and cook until thick, without ceasing to thoroughly knead its contents.
Remove the container from the heat and add 15 ml of vinegar and a little ethereal smell with any aroma.
The mixture will be very thick, now you can make a ball out of it, which you need to leave for the night, then attach it to the toilet using wire or other improvised objects.
This completely simple procedure for preparing a toilet cleaner can make the owners happy with an excellent result with minimal cash outlay.
Read more:
How to remove the urinary stone in the toilet folk remedies
Than to clean the toilet from rust and plaque with his own hands
How to clean the sewer at home
How to clean the toilet from clogging
How to clean the toilet from limescale
In conclusion, it should be emphasized that with a modern range of products in hardware stores that offer a wide selection of various cleaning products, it will not be difficult to clean the toilet. Nevertheless, keeping it clean regularly minimizes labor and costs, and also saves comfort in the home and the health of its inhabitants.
