Saturday, June 1, 2019

Amazon Brand - Solimo Dishwasher Detergent Pacs, Fresh Scent, 85 Count

Amazon Brand - Solimo Dishwasher Detergent Pacs, Fresh Scent, 85 Count
Amazon Brand - Solimo Dishwasher Detergent Pacs, Fresh Scent, 85 Count

Dishwasher powder

Hello dear readers! Today with you we will prepare the dishwasher powder with our own hands.

Many now wrinkled their nose with arrogance and said: “Fiii! Powder is for beggaries, here are dishwasher pills - this is nanotechnology and innovation.” Well, if I tell you, they first make powder, and then punch it with a special typewriter, called a tablet press? After that, the price of the former powder increases 1.5 - 2 times.
Dishwasher powder part 1 Detergent, Dishwasher, Dlinnopost, Household chemicals, The hands

But there will be people who will object, but in the same place "3 in 1" or "7 in 1" or "100500 in 1". Look there 3 different layers, special crystals of purity, grains of freshness, spheres of joy, rainbow extract, etc. are added. etc., and in the powder only 1 ingredient - POWDER. This is so trite!

Well, let's figure out what it is made of, on the example of Lentovsky powder.

Dishwasher powder part 1 Detergent, Dishwasher, Dlinnopost, Household chemicals, The hands

The standard kit is listed in descending order in the formula:

1. Sodium tripolyphosphate - hard water softener

2. Sodium carbonate - soda ash Na2CO3 (for reference in baking soda, this is the formula NaHCO3), pH regulator, gives the water an alkaline reaction due to which it easily washes fat from dishes. Usually, chemists recall how, in the suffering Middle Ages, they took ashes from the stove, dissolved it in water, and washed clothes in this liquid. Or soap makers mix sodium carbonate with fat, packaged in molds and after maturation (that is, the end of the chemical reaction of saponification of fats) get lumpy soap. In short, sodium carbonate from your fat from the dishes will make soap and the same soap will wash your dishes from other contaminants.

3. Sodium percarbonate is an oxygen oxidizing agent (commonly used as bleach), plays the role of a disinfecting agent. It is believed that at the time of washing you have started a new life in the form of bacteria, which hot water 70 g Celsius and alkaline water reaction may not destroy, and then an oxidizing agent comes on the scene, who will defeat the evil bacteria.

4. Sodium sulfate - ballast, does not play any role in cleansing dishes, is added to increase the mass of the powder

5. Sodium chloride - ballast, does not play any role in cleansing dishes

6. Silicate (of what?) - apparently, sodium silicate - it’s also liquid glass, it’s office glue, it’s believed that it is a corrosion inhibitor. But we have a stainless steel dishwasher “Cagg Bee”, the pH of the water is alkaline, there can be no corrosion, that it should not be inhibited.

7. TAED - tetraacetylethylenediamine, a catalyst accelerates the decomposition reaction of an oxygen oxidizing agent, which is sodium percarbonate.

8. Phosphonate - complexing agent, helps to dissolve, that does not want to dissolve, and strives to precipitate

9. Non-ionic surfactant - detergent

10. Polycarboxylate - something like a conditioner for dishes, does not allow contaminants to settle on the dishes back after the washing cycle.

11. Enzymes - they are enzymes, in nature, these substances break down proteins into small pieces, for example, in your stomach. But the thing is very expensive, unstable, capricious in our list by mass is already on the 11th place, that is, it is contained in the powder in homeopathic quantities. Consider that it is not.

12. Aromatic additives - perfume giving a good smell.

13. Anticorrosion additives - well, I already wrote about sodium silicate above, it copes well with corrosion, which is no longer there. What they added to one Chief Technologist is well known.

Phew! Already 13 ingredients turned out in a banal powder, unexpectedly true, and write on the label 13 in 1.

Now we take tablets of the same manufacturer:

Dishwasher powder part 1 Detergent, Dishwasher, Dlinnopost, Household chemicals, The hands

Find 10 differences?

1. Sodium tripolyphosphate - is

2. Sodium carbonate - is

3. Sodium percarbonate - is

4. Sodium silicate - there is under No. 6 (see, here in the tablets is no longer just silicate, do not understand what, but with the addition of sodium! "Chemical humor" apparently, the label sucks in the powder)

5. Polycarboxylate sodium - there is No. 10 (here, too, sodium was reported to gee gee gee)

6. Nonionic surfactants - there is under number 9

7. TAED - is No. 7 (in powder we have TAED, here, apparently, the difficulty of translating from English to TAED: E - Ethylen, E - ethylene. In tablets it was transliterated from the bald, without delving into.)

8. Phosphonate - is

9. Dye - it was not, as the powder was white, and the ballet shoes are multi-colored

10. Flavoring - is under number 12

11. Enzymes - enzymes, there is

12. Limonen is a flavoring, sort of like there is already a flavoring here under number 10

But there is no: sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, anti-corrosion additives and correctly fuck do not need this useless ballast!

Anti-additive additives for powder are not listed here, but they are needed otherwise a lump of your powder will stand in the neck. For tablets, on the contrary, “caking additives” are needed, since without them the tablet will begin to break and crumble - this is quite a serious problem for tablets with surfactants in the composition, which additionally increases the cost of the product.

And so, how does the composition of tablets differ from the composition of the powder? Yes, in fact, nothing more than - the absence of ballast (filler), water is used as a ballast in liquid detergents, in dry powders sodium sulfate and sodium chloride. That is, the version of some magic properties of tablets is untenable. It's just that people are too lazy to put the powder in the dishwasher, think about the quantity (usually a tablespoon is enough), but it's easier to take a beautiful pill and put it in the dishwasher. Well, it's up to you, you can stop reading the adherents of the tablet sect

Now let's take a critical look at the composition of the powder, it is invented from technological, economic, marketing, political, environmental considerations that we, as a dog, have the 5th leg, that is, we don’t need it. Yes, and you can not buy these ingredients at all, or they will sell you 50 kg in minimum packaging, whereas 1 kg is enough for you for a lifetime. So let's get rid of all unnecessary:

1. Anti-corrosion additives are not needed, since corrosion under alkaline conditions for iron and stainless steel does not occur at all. For the same reasons, I would have thrown out sodium silicate, but it is cheap and can be left.

2. Fragrance, flavor - expensive, rich, but the smell will be only inside the dishwasher, the dishes will not smell like this your "synthetic apple"

3. Enzymes (enzymes) - very expensive, there are no small packages, the manufacturer adds them in homeopathic doses, and we will not be able to distribute such a small amount of enzymes in the amount of powder purely physically, the efficiency of our handmade powder will increase by 0%

4. Polycarboxylate - in the market in small packages it is not to be found, and this is a huge reservoir of chemicals that you really need to pick up, that is, it is easier to do without it.

5. Non-ionic surfactant - you can do without it, but the effectiveness of washing will drop significantly, so it is better to leave it.

6. Phosphonate - in the furnace, especially if you have soft water, you do not need it

7. Sodium percarbonate and TAED - work only together, if your dishes do not overgrow with mold, then you do not need to add them.

8. Sodium chloride, sodium sulfate - ballast does not play any role

And in the bottom line we have from the right:

1. Sodium polyphosphate

2. Sodium carbonate

4. surfactant

Sodium polyphosphate - only needed for hard water, for soft water of St. Petersburg, for example, is not needed.

Sodium carbonate can be bought at a household chemical store, and can be replaced with baking soda
Dishwasher powder part 1 Detergent, Dishwasher, Dlinnopost, Household chemicals, The hands

Non-ionic surfactants available from the market are not expensive, not poisonous, not carcinogenic, you can get Sintanol DS-10 and Sintamide-5, the minimum packing is 50 kg per 10,000 r, that is 200 r / kg. But you can contact the offices selling raw materials for household chemicals, introduce yourself as a budding businessman and ask for Sintanol or Sintamid probes for running in a recipe that is not far from the truth. I got hold of a 25 kg canister surfactant for free, which will be enough for me for 100 years, and maybe my grandchildren will use it.

God forbid to use for this purpose tools for hand washing dishes or soap, if you do not want to get in your kitchen foam party.
Dishwasher powder part 1 Detergent, Dishwasher, Dlinnopost, Household chemicals, The hands

Iiiii recipe powder for the dishwasher is ready: 95% sodium carbonate or baking soda, 5% non-ionic surfactant Sintanol DS-10.

The surfactant was chosen as the least dangerous for the human body, for which there is literature data on testing for laboratory animals. Here, for example, "Hygiene and toxicology of household chemical substances": Because it is known that detergents are not completely washed off with water from the dishes and then in small quantities can get into the food, and then in the human body. It is very important to remember this and not to use, for example, laundry detergent for washing clothes, as detergent for dishes. By the way, it is ideal for this purpose and if you compare the composition, then you will be surprised how much they have in common. BUT! No one used the surfactants used for food safety, carcinogenicity, cumulativeness, etc. etc. If I warned you!

But despite the simplicity of the composition there is a problem, how to mix dry powder of sodium carbonate and pasty Sintanol? Here it is necessary to develop the technology for manufacturing a dishwasher powder, which I will discuss in the next part, if Pikabutyan has an interest.
