Saturday, June 1, 2019

Cascade Actionpacs Dishwasher Detergent, Lemon, 78 Count

Cascade Actionpacs Dishwasher Detergent, Lemon, 78 Count
Cascade Actionpacs Dishwasher Detergent, Lemon, 78 Count

Dishwasher Tablets

Tablets - the most popular dishwasher detergent. In general, a whole range of products is used for the dishwasher: salt, rinse aid and the detergent itself. We considered their purpose in the article “Detergents for Dishwashers” , and now we will take a closer look at the dishwasher tablets.

Detergents for dishwashers are laid immediately before loading, the remaining components for washing: salt and rinse are loaded into special compartments and replenished as they are consumed. Tablets are a form of detergent that was made to make it easier to load. Sometimes manufacturers produce them in special packaging, which is soluble in water and does not require prior unpacking. In the dishwasher there is a special compartment for tablets, however, if in your model this is not available, then the tablet should be simply put in the department for detergent.
About ecology

As with the dishwasher powder, the chemical composition of the tablets are of several types:

Conventional funds that are produced according to the standards of the states for which they are produced. Often this means with the addition of phosphates and phosphonates, where chlorine compounds (sodium hypochlorite) act as a bleach.

Environmentally friendly products that are produced according to the company's internal standards. In such products, the manufacturer tries to minimize the use of synthetically surface-active substances (surfactants) and eliminate the use of phosphates and phosphonates, and instead of chlorine compounds use a softer oxygen bleach (sodium percarbonate).
Organic products that do not contain petrochemical products, phosphates and phosphonates, synthetic components, artificial flavors and dyes. These products must have confirming international quality certificates (Egocert, Ecogarantie).

About the composition

Each company has its own verified composition for obtaining high-quality results. Natural dishwasher detergent contains components that allow to dissolve oily contaminants (this is done by plant-based surfactants), eliminate solid contaminants, soften water, prevent plaque formation and increase washing efficiency. As well as components that prevent the settling of dirt; sodium percarbonate (bleach); silicates that soften water and dissolve fats; citrates used for removing stains and dissolving lime; enzymes that improve the ability; and aromatic additives, which use natural essential oils.
About pills "All in One"

Many manufacturers offer tablets "2v1", "3v1" and even "5v1". Where as the main idea, a universal dishwasher remedy is proposed that contains all the necessary components: detergent, salt, rinse aid and other active ingredients. The important point is that these funds are in a certain average amount. If, for example, in your region, the water hardness is higher, then your typewriter may simply lack the amount of salt suggested in the tablet. And if at the same time you decide not to load the main compartment for salt, this can lead to sad consequences for your typewriter.

However, such means are completely entitled to exist. But although they seem to be "more powerful", compared with the use of the usual set of tools, a miracle cannot be expected from them. Not for nothing, manufacturers offer additional tools, such as a stain remover .

Some dishwashers have a 3in1 function, with a special mode for using such tablets. And there is also a place for laying a pill, perhaps this is a plastic container on the door with a cell. Do not be lazy and refer to the manual of your typewriter.

If you began to use such multifunctional tablets and you are satisfied with the result, then you can reduce the salt consumption, if this allows you to make a model of your machine, for this set the salt consumption settings to the minimum position, as for the region with mild hardness.
And further

Sometimes, the tablets are not washed out completely, then you can use only half or leave the weaver not in a special department, but directly among the dishes.

Dishwasher tablets are the most popular form of detergent, but often using the powder comes out much more economically. As a rule, 1 tablet is designed for one wash cycle, it is simple and convenient to use. However, if you want to save, you can divide the tablets in half, while the manufacturer does not guarantee the result, but experimentally you can choose the “golden mean”, the required amount of the tablet for 100% cleaning a certain amount of dishes, varying degrees of contamination.

In our store you can buy various environmental and natural organic products for dishwashers, among them there are tablets.
