Saturday, June 1, 2019

Finish Quantum Max Powerball, 64ct, Dishwasher Detergent Tablets, Ultimate Clean & Shine

Finish Quantum Max Powerball, 64ct, Dishwasher Detergent Tablets, Ultimate Clean & Shine
Finish Quantum Max Powerball, 64ct, Dishwasher Detergent Tablets, Ultimate Clean & Shine

Detergents for PMM: composition and features

Some people still are skeptical about dishwashers. But those who have used PMM at least once know that these devices save a lot of time and effort. They also consume a minimal amount of water, which reduces utility bills.
Means for dishwashers: main types

Regardless of the class of the dishwasher, the following substances are necessary for its operation:

washing composition;
regenerating salt;

Today, buying detergents for dishwashers is not a problem. Therefore, it is not necessary to replace them with ordinary liquid for washing the plates and forks, due to which the PMM quickly fail.

Detergent compositions, as their name implies, are necessary to remove contaminants from dishes. Regenerating salt softens the water, thereby preventing lime scale from forming on the inside walls of the dishwasher. Rinsers accelerate the process of removing residual detergent from the plates. They also make the dishes shine and prevent the appearance of white streaks on it from water.
Kenolux Wash G - your best bet

There are several different types of detergents for PMM. We will talk more about their features below. And now it is time to tell you about Kenolux Wash G - the best detergent sold in our store. This tool makes Belgium. In Russia, Kenolux Wash G has a certificate of state registration , that is, it is officially recommended for use. This detergent composition is used in restaurants, cafes, canteens and at home.
Kenolux Wash G

Wash G from Cid Lines - ideal for washing glasses, glasses and other glassware. This detergent copes with all the dirt and gives the product a beautiful shine. It is concentrated, and therefore consumed very slowly. It is important that Wash G does not contain harmful substances (phosphates, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, etc.). This detergent is made using:

potassium hydroxide;
wetting agents;
corrosion inhibitors.

For greater efficiency, experts recommend using Kenolux Wash G along with a rinser from the same company, called Rinse-G.
Types of detergents

In order to buy detergents for dishwashers , you need to decide which products are best for you:

liquid gel;
special pills.

Household gloves

Gel - the most popular and popular option. Liquid concentrated formulations are economical, cheap and long spent. They are suitable for putting in order most types of dishes, including silverware and crystal. Naturally, liquid gels are different. Choosing them, stop the choice on the products of well-known companies: Cid Lines , Somat, Fairy, etc. The brand liquid dishwasher detergent is guaranteed to be effective and safe for health.

Powders for PMM, as the manufacturers claim, do not leave stains and stains, cope with various contaminants and destroy bacteria. This is true, but you need to work with powders carefully. If you put such a substance past a container, it may cause scratches on the pan.

It is necessary to choose powders very carefully, not forgetting to find out which types of dishes are intended for one or another of them. Not sure about the exact purpose of the tool? Then under no circumstances use it for washing thin glass, crystal, antique porcelain and other delicate and expensive dishes.

Special tablets are considered a universal remedy, because they combine a washing composition, softening salts and rinse. However, the best detergent for dishwashers is gel rather than tablets. The fact is that they are quickly spent. In addition, tablets, despite the assurances of manufacturers, require the use of supplements in the form of rinse aid.
The composition of substances for washing dishes

Always study the composition of dishwasher detergents before buying them. Remember: the less harmful chemicals found in such products, the better. Ideal in this context are chlorine and phosphate free products. However, you can use phosphate-containing products. It is good in that it has a whitening effect and can be used for washing fragile and delicate dishes.

The most "aggressive" are agents with chlorine and phosphates. However, even they do not bring harm to health. After all, a person washing dishes in a car does not contact them directly. Rinse with water effectively removes residual detergent, and therefore you can not worry that it enters the body with food.
Paper towels
Regenerating Salt

We have already mentioned above that for dishwashing in the DIPM not only the compounds that eliminate the pollution, but also the regenerating salt are used. It softens the water, dissolving the magnesium and calcium salts contained in it. Salt is poured into a special ion exchange compartment located in the bottom of the dishwasher. In the PMM, an average of 1-2 kg of salt As for its consumption, it all depends on the degree of water hardness. This indicator is measured before the first use of the machine, using the paper indicator supplied with it. On average, one pack of salt lasts for 3-4 months of intensive use of the LMP.

New models of dishwashers have the option of electronic regeneration. Its essence lies in the automatic calculation of the volume of water passing through the ion exchanger. Thanks to this function, salt consumption is significantly reduced and it is filled into the device not at random, but strictly as needed.
Important stuff

Over time, fat inevitably accumulates on the inside surfaces of the dishwasher. You can get rid of it using a special degreaser. Such a substance is sold in all specialized stores and has the appearance of a gel or powder.

To important trifles also include a special deodorant, which gives dishes a pleasant aroma and eliminates extraneous odors that permeate PMM. Deodorants for dishwashers are designed for repeated use. Fixed in a basket for dishes, they can serve for several months without requiring replacement.
