Saturday, June 1, 2019

Lemi Shine Natural Dishwasher Detergent Pods, 42 Count, Powder & Gel Dish Detergent with Powerful Citric Extracts, All-in-One Dishwasher Tablets

Lemi Shine Natural Dishwasher Detergent Pods, 42 Count, Powder & Gel Dish Detergent with Powerful Citric Extracts, All-in-One Dishwasher Tablets
Lemi Shine Natural Dishwasher Detergent Pods, 42 Count, Powder & Gel Dish Detergent with Powerful Citric Extracts, All-in-One Dishwasher Tablets

Vita Viridi: Synergetic dishwasher cleaner

About 2 months ago, I received a detergent for Synergetic dishwashers for testing from partners But the trouble! I don't have a dishwasher! How to be, I thought? Do not disappear the whole litter eco-means!

Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi

I approached my mission as a “human tester” with full responsibility, and wrote a letter to Synergetic with the following question: “Can this tool be used in any other areas?”

The next day, I received a letter from the head of the sales department "LLC Synergetic"

Alexander Alexandrovich Zaremba with the following answer:

Of course, any tool is desirable to use as intended. But in our case there is some universality due to the naturalness of the components. Therefore, you can wash the floor, do not forget the dishes for dishwasher. Bentless agent, effectively removes fat. On the floor is not always dirt can be classified as fat. In general, I wish you good luck and take care of your health! "

Well, that's great! The tool is universal!

Before I tell you about my history of using this tool, I will go over the packaging, etc.

Means of 1l., In a large bottle of very dense frosted translucent plastic. Threaded cap. I really liked this leaf on the rubber that attaches to the neck! Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi Good design move, immediately recall Organic Tai shampoos. Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi

On the reverse side of the label is a plain natural composition.

Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi

I do not really understand the composition of household products, and this time I became interested in, what kind of detergents are these? Found such information:

Tenzida - surfactants, usually concentrated on the section of two media - water and air, which reduces the surface tension and improves the wettability of objects, allows the tenside to penetrate between particles of dirt and material.

Tenzida disperse dirt in their solution and therefore are used as detergents and cleaners. They are also good emulsifiers and therefore are widely used in cosmetics.

A classic example of detergents is toilet soap. Tenzida can irritate the skin, as they remove fats.

Pavshevichno-active substances are synthetic and native origin

So, in the composition of the Synergetic, are detergents of natural origin.

Surfactants of natural origin are less aggressive to the cells, do not penetrate deep into the layers of the skin, after their use the lipid mantle of the skin recovers quickly

Also behind there are a few descriptions of the tools from the manufacturer:

Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi

I also want to attach information from the manufacturer’s website:

Concentrated high foaming agent for washing all types of dishes from any kinds of pollution. Due to the completely natural composition, it has 100% washability, suitable for washing fruit, children's dishes and toys. Effectively eliminates odors, removes grease, even in ice water! Due to the 100% biodegradability in water does not harm the microflora of septic installations.

A dishwasher helps save time and energy and water consumption, but even the most efficient and modern device is useless without high-quality detergent. Synergetic company offers a universal tool for dishwashers.

The amazing properties of the detergent

1. Effectively eliminates the most difficult pollution, without leaving stains on the surface of the dish.

2. Can even be used in cold water.

3. The composition of the product contains only natural ingredients: surface-active substances of plant origin, natural flavors from citrus, food coloring from egg yolk.

4. Detergent is hypoallergenic, does not contain chemical additives and preservatives.

5. It has antibacterial effect.

6. Carefully protects skin of hands, keeping softness and tenderness. The tool is easily transformed into foam, which is able to penetrate deep into the structure of dirt, grease, completely eliminating plaque from any surface.

I liked the fact that this tool prevents the formation of scale. I think for owners of dishwashers this is not an unimportant factor! I think that natural lemon extract is struggling with scaling in this case. For example, I clean a teapot with limescale with lemon or citric acid)

The consistency of the product is liquid, the smell can be said to be absent - there is some kind, but it is so neutral and weak that I don’t even perceive it, and I can’t accurately describe it.

So, perhaps, with a description of everything. Go to eeee! Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi

Since the representative of the Synergist told me that I can do the dishes by hand and wash the floor, this is how I decided to use this tool.

Experiment 1. Washing dishes by hand.

For the first test, I decided to take a pan with greasy contamination from cutlets) So to say, to test the tool in harsh conditions Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi

Poured some liquid into the pan (I always do that) and onto a wet sponge. I begin to foam a sponge - the foam turns out to be very scanty, but I was already warned that the tool is foam-free.

Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi

My pan as usual. Fat is washed off without difficulty. Since the pan with non-stick coating, then nothing sticks to it and everything was washed off well.

Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi

Yes, yes, everything was washed off, great .... BUT !!! As soon as the sponge began to come into contact with the skin of the hands, I was very sorry that I didn’t wear gloves for the experiment ... My hands began to pinch and I washed the frying pan at a very fast pace in order to quickly wash everything off. If someone carefully read the description of detergents, then it was just said that they can irritate the skin. That is exactly what happened to me. After I washed the product, I realized that the skin of my hands had become very dry! All day long she used creams to restore the fat balance.

In general, this dish is absolutely NOT suitable for washing dishes by hand. In its pure form, too aggressive for the skin. Although it copes well with the removal of fat. If you only use it with gloves, and this is NOT convenient at all!

This experiment failed Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi

Experiment 2. Mopping the floor.

In order to wash the floor, I added a little of this tool in a bucket of water. It is a LITTLE, about 15ml, since it is still a concentrate, and in my bitter experience, I already knew how it negatively affects the skin in a concentrated form.

Since I am a great experimenter, I decided to mix the agent in water with my bare hand in order to understand how it will behave in a diluted form. This time, thank God, everything turned out well, the tool did not "bite me" anymore. Despite the fact that I added a rather small amount to the bucket, having immersed my hand in water, I immediately felt the soap. There was no foam, so several bubbles.

For the experiment, I decided to wash the floor in the kitchen, since there it is really more susceptible to fat.

Fatty stains are difficult to see - only if you look at the floor in the light at a certain angle.

Here is a piece of the floor before washing.

Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi

In the light you can see that there is fat.

Well, go ahead! Fight this fat! Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi

After washing, the floor really degreased, and there were no stains left.

Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi

And my floor cloth was defatted))) When I washed it, it literally creaked from cleanliness!)

Summing up experiment number 2, I can say that this tool can be used as a floor cleaning and it shows itself well! In addition, on the bottle there is an inscription that it is antibacterial - what you need for the floor!

Despite the fact that I seemed to have found an alternative use for the product, I decided that my review would be completely incomplete if I did not try out the product for its intended purpose. And in order to finally fulfill my mission as a “human tester,” I sent this tool for testing to a friend who has a dishwasher Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi

Application for intended purpose.

First, on the bottle in the method of application it is stated only “to use in accordance with the instructions of the dishwasher”. And nothing was said about the liquid funds in the instructions ... And my friend thought for a long time, where and how to pour this tool? In general, in the end somehow thought of it))

And the dishes washed! According to a friend, the tool is pretty good, everything is washed off, even the pan is the same. But with difficult and inaccessible spots coped not completely - in the corners of the mugs, on the glass.

I attach several photos with the result of the work of the tool in the dishwasher.

Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi

In general, this is the experience I had with Synergetic!) The tool gets a score of 4 points, because for its intended purpose it has shown itself not bad, but not excellent.

By the way, the cost of 1l. 200r.! And according to a friend, enough of it for 20 "washings." It’s a lot or a little — I don’t know, because I have absolutely no experience and knowledge about dishwashers Means for dishwashers Synergetic - Review Ecoblogger Vita Viridi

Despite the fact that the representative of Synergetic recommended this tool as universal, I believe that it is still better to use it for its intended purpose, it is more suitable for contact with machines than with delicate female hands.

That's all! I hope my review will be useful!
