Tuesday, May 7, 2019

How long should I let the grout dry before cleaning

How long should I let the grout dry before cleaning

Today I bring one more of our DIY tricks. With this simple DIY trick I present the answer to know how long you should let the mortar dry. No special tools or additional materials.

Hello everyone!

Grouting is the last step in the whole process of laying tiles, but it is a very important point and we should not overlook.

Grout Cleaner Product

First of all they have a decorative function; We can choose the color and texture of the joints depending on the tiles we place, their color, their format, whether they are ground or wall, in short, our particular taste. But what is the most important function? The placement joints have very important mechanical functions that will ensure that our installation does not vary over time; They absorb the movements of compression and traction, let the vapor from the ground or the wall pass and absorb the dimensional varieties of the tiles.

Now, this is not a very daily task in hacker, so I present one of the DIY tricks that will show you when the time has come to clean the excesses and remnants of mortar joints. Once we have made the placement of the tiles and we applied the mortar for joints, we want to see the end result, we just have to clean the area of the mortar remains, but then we are asked a question: When should I clean the remains of the mortar For meetings?

Right after placing it or should I let it dry completely?

This is usually the most common question when someone who is not accustomed to working with this material is done when it comes time to rejoin. So, we leave a simple DIY trick to know if we can clean and finish our work.

All we need is to have properly applied the grout and a simple finger.

Usually the manufacturers of mortars of joints recommend to let dry about 20 minutes, but if we lose the notion of time, this simple DIY trick will allow us not to have to be pending the clock.

With just touching the fingertip of our finger the board will know that:

We CANNOT clean it if we notice it tender and the finger becomes dirty with scraps of gasket.

IF we can clean it if we notice it tender and the finger is completely clean of gasket.

I hope I've helped you. See you next time!