Thursday, May 2, 2019

How to clean the grout between the tiles

How to clean the grout between the tiles

Even after scrubbing the floor, the tiles with the dirty grout may still look dirty. Leave your floors as new cleaning the grout as well. Depending on the type of tile and the color of your soil grout, there are different cleaning methods that you can use to renew your appearance. Whether you opt for chemical cleaners or more natural methods, grout can be spotless with little effort.

Grout Cleaner Product

Method 1 With baking soda and vinegar

  •     Make a paste with baking soda and water. Mix 3 parts of baking soda and 1 part water to make a thick paste. This versatile cleaner will clean grout of all colors, but vinegar can be detrimental in some natural stones, such as marble or limestone.
  •         Apply the pasta to the grout lines with your finger.
  •         Although baking soda is not harmful, the use of rubber gloves can help prevent scratches or irritations from rubbing the grout with baking soda.

  •     Make a solution of 1:1 of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the vinegar solution into the sodium bicarbonate paste you applied. You will immediately see bubbles, which will tell you that the natural cleaning process has begun.

  •     Wait for the solution to stop bubbling. Bubbling is a chemical reaction between sodium bicarbonate and vinegar. This reaction usually lasts for a few minutes. After the bubbling is completed, the chemical cleaning action will have culminated.

  •     Scrub the grout with a brush. With a nylon bristle brush, or a toothbrush, scrub along each grout line. Pay attention to the corners and edges to clean them well. [1]

  •     Scrub the floor with water alone. Use a mop with water alone to remove the residues of baking soda and vinegar. Rinse the mop and change the water followed during the cleaning process so that you do not spread the waste on the floor.

Method 2 Clean with sodium percarbonate

  •     Dissolve 2 tablespoons of sodium percarbonate in 2 cups of lukewarm water. Make the solution immediately before using it to get the best results. Mix the solution well to ensure that the sodium percarbonate is fully activated. The bleaching power of sodium percarbonate could damage the color grout, but it is soft enough for all types of tile.

  •     2
  •     Make a test in a little visible grout corner before cleaning up all the sleep. Some tiles or grouts may be bleached or discolored by sodium percarbonate. Apply a little of the sodium percarbonate solution to a discrete section of the grout to make a color test.

  •     Pour the sodium percarbonate solution into the grout. Make sure you throw enough to cover all the lines of the grout. Clean the floor section by section to not wet it completely.

  •     Use a nylon bristle brush to soak the sodium percarbonate solution in the grout. Leave this solution acting several minutes to get the best results. [2]
  •         Scrub the grout with the brush from front to back.
  •         Be sure to scrub the corners and around the edges of the floor, as dirt and dust tend to accumulate there.

  •     Insert the brush into the powdered sodium percarbonate to increase its cleaning power. If you see a darker or more visible spot, you can make a solution of stronger sodium percarbonate by inserting a wet brush directly into the sodium percarbonate powder.
  •         NOTE: Pour a little of the powdered product into another container to avoid adding water to the main container of powdered sodium percarbonate.

  •     Rinse the floor with water and then dry. Pour clean water directly into the tiled floor and dry with a clean scouring pad or mop.

Method 3 Clean the grout with oxygenated water, sodium bicarbonate and liquid dishwasher

  •     Make a dough. Mix ¾ cup of baking soda, ¼ cup of oxygenated water and 1 tablespoon liquid dishwasher. This highly effective paste cleans the grout in 3 ways:[3]
  •         Sodium bicarbonate acts as a natural abrasive to rub the grout.
  •         Oxygenated water reacts chemically with sodium bicarbonate, which releases bleaching oxygen ions.
  •         The dishwasher liquid helps to loosen dirt and remove grease.
  •         NOTE: The whitening action of the chemical reaction may affect the color grout. Make a color test in a slightly visible corner before cleaning the entire floor.

  •     Apply the pasta with a nylon bristle brush. A toothbrush or a nylon brush will do the trick. Make sure to apply the pasta to the grout between the tiles and around the edges to make them evenly clean.

  •     Let the mixture act in the grout for about 15 minutes. You'll see a bubbling reaction as sodium bicarbonate and oxygenated water interact. Give it time to soak in the grout and you can remove the stains.

  •     Rinse the grout with warm or warm water to remove the entire solution. Pour some water directly onto the tiled floor to remove the grout solution.
  •         Be careful, because a wet tiled floor can be very slippery.

  •     Use a scouring pad to clean the grout and remove any debris from the product or dust. Remove the remaining dough from the grout by lightly scrubbing the floor with a scouring pad. You can do it stopping on the sponge and move with both feet or you can go scrubbing the floor while you go wiping to Gatas.

  •     Scrub the floor with clean water. To make sure there is no residue or foam, scrub the floor thoroughly with a sponge or cotton mop. Rinse the mop and change the water followed so that everything is clean.

Method 4 Clean the grout with a vaporizer

    Rent or buy a vaporizer. Vaporizers effectively clean and disinfect all types of tile and grout because they do not use any chemicals. Go to your local home maintenance store to rent or buy one of those machines. Make sure the vaporizer you get has the right accessories to clean the grout:[4]
  •         Steam Hose
  •         Small brush

    Follow the manufacturer's instructions for assembling and filling the vaporizer. Read the instructions carefully to avoid damaging the equipment.

    Fill the container with clean water to the line indicated in the instruction manual. Do not add chemicals or detergents to the water container of the vaporizer.

    Turn on the vaporizer and let it heat up. The vaporizer's instruction manual will tell you how long you have to wait after turning on the machine for use.

    Move the cleaning brush back and forth over the grout. Start on one side of the room and go forward to the other end. The steam will lift dirt and dust from the grout, and also kill any mold you may have.

    Use a scouring pad or mop to clean up excess water after cleaning. Be careful, because the floor may become slippery after the steam is condensed in water.


  •     You should always first try a new cleaner or cleaning solution in a slightly visible area before using it to make sure it will not damage the tile or grout.
  •     If you are using sodium bicarbonate or sodium percarbonate solutions, do not do more than necessary, because these solutions lose their power quickly.
  •     After cleaning the grout, apply a sealant to make the cleaning last longer. [5]


  •     Do not use hard-bristle brushes such as steel or wire bristles, as they may break and damage the grout.
  •     Do not use vinegar in marble, granite, travertine or other natural stone floors, as this may cause the surface to be carved and permanent damage. Grouting These surfaces should only be cleaned with a neutral pH solution. [6]

Things you'll need

  •     Cube
  •     Sodium percarbonate
  •     Clean water
  •     Nylon Bristle Brush
  •     Mop
  •     Sodium bicarbonate
  •     Toothbrush
  •     Spray