Thursday, May 2, 2019

How to clean grout on tile joints

How to clean grout on tile joints

If after scrubbing the floor you think it still does not look clean enough, it may be that your problem the correct cleaning of the ground joints to remove the grout that is still embedded. Cleaning it will require an extra effort, but don't worry that if you do it properly it doesn't have to be complicated.

We have the alternative to clean with natural and organic products or with the chemicals found in the supermarket. No matter what your preference, we tell you how to clean the grout in tiles so your floor is really clean.

Grout Cleaner Product

Steps to clean grout in tiles

Follow these steps to remove grout in tile joints without much effort.

1. It is not new that we recommend cleaning with baking soda, usually very effective and affordable for routine cleaning. In this case, to remove the grout we will create a mixture of bicarbonate with water. You need 3 parts of baking soda and a piece of water. Mix until thick dough is formed. Spread that dough on the board and keep in mind that if you do it with your fingers it is advisable to use rubber gloves to perform the cleaning.

2. Another of our secrets is to use vinegar for ecological cleaning. The second step you must follow is to mix in a water sprayer with white vinegar. And spread this mixture over the bicarbonate you previously applied to the joints. You will see how bubbles immediately begin to emerge that will be the sample that the chemical reaction has started and that the mixture is working.

3. This bubbling chemical reaction should last for a few minutes. When it is finished it will mean that the mixture has done its job and that you can proceed to remove it. Use an old toothbrush to scrub the joints with the mixture and remove dirt.

4. To close with a golden brooch, scrub the floor with water. This way you will eliminate the bicarbonate residues and by the way you can eliminate the dust or dirt that has been left in the ground.

Additional Tips for cleaning grout

For extreme cases it is likely that this homemade housekeeping trick will not end up solving the problem. When this happens, we recommend using a vaporeta so that the pressurized water will definitely remove the grout. And the dirt accumulated in the joints leaving as new. If you do not have a vaporeta at your fingertips we recommend the Express cleaning team. That in all their work they use this type of machinery to thoroughly clean more than 200 areas of your house.

In addition, its 10 years of experience let you know the best way to clean different types of soil and surfaces inside the home. Do not wait for a thorough cleaning of your home and extend the life of your furniture and appliances. Calculate your price in our Online calculator of floor and house cleaning and you won't regret it.