Tuesday, May 7, 2019

How to clean the grout?

How to clean the grout?

The tile is beautiful, durable and easy to clean in general, but the grout is somewhat different story, due to its light coloration and porous composition. It is a mixture of water, sand and cement that keeps the tiles in place, it can be difficult to keep clean. In an entrance or little room of the entrance of tiles, dirt and dirt are the usual culprits, while in the kitchen, keeping the spills are more prone to blame. Soap, mildew, mildew and meanwhile make it different from keeping and cleaning the grout in the bathrooms. Fortunately cleaning white grout is possible by using only common household products a little if the elbow fat and this item will help you clean the grout. You can follow these steps and methods to make your bath grout free.

Grout Cleaner Product

Ways to clean grout:

1. Make a preliminary clean Before we get to the deep cleaning methods. It is necessary and the best way to start is with water and a hard bristle brush. If you don't have one, you can buy at most hardware stores and carry a brushing assortment specifically designed for the purpose of cleaning the grout. Simply sprinkle hot water on the grout lines and follow your regular cleaning process. Then let it dry. This is also one of the way to clean wood floors as well.

2. Use vinegar and ammonia to clean the grout Video: How to clean, to do the grout to the ceramic. MP4 You can create your own solution. You only need a large bucket or container, then put a cup of warm water and mix half a cup of baking soda, ¼ of white vinegar and 1/3 cup of ammonia. Then mix all the ingredients correctly. Pour this mixture into the spray bottle, keeping the solution in the spray bottle will make it easy to moisten the dirtier area and mainly for storage. Fill the spray bottle completely and then shake the solution thoroughly. Spray the mixture into the grout, but start with the smallest area only about 1-2 square feet. Then spray the solution and let it rest for 3 to 5 minutes. Then start rubbing or scrubbing the brush with the help of your choice to clean the grout. You can use a hard bristle brush cleaning, toothbrush or a magic eraser is also a good choice. Put some hard work on your washing to get the ground in the dirt from between the tiles. All your scrubs will create a small puddle of dirty liquid on your tiles that must be clean. You can use a clean, dry cloth to clean all dirty liquid and drain it into a separate container. This will help to clean the tiles in the end.

3. Hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate to clean the grout Before you go in and scrub your grout you have to do a basic once again with your favorite cleaner. If you are going to clean the low grout, you can sweep and clean. To clean the bath grout and kitchen countertop grout, spray and clean it down with your favorite cleaner. This mixture also helps cleanse blood stains. You can make your own pasta with the help of hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate. Mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide in a small container to form a thick paste. The parts of each can vary because their depend on the consistency and thickness you want to work. Then you have to spread the mixture and you can do this using your figure or toothbrush. Spread the dough over the grout. Start with the smallest area, not greater than 1 to 2 square feet. Keep the solution thick and coat the grout completely. Let stand for 5 to 10 minutes. You can start scrubbing with the help of the brush, such as a toothbrush to clean the grout. Apply firm pressure on a small area to lift dirt and stains. If you feel the grout is still dirty, you can add a little more pasta and scrub again after you let it stand for a few minutes. Continue mixing the cleaning mixture by adding to the grout and scrubbing off. Work slowly to make sure you have received all of your cleaned grout. Then use a damp cloth to clean the remaining pasta in your pasta on the tile. To finish, clean the tiles with your regular meter cleaner or a mop and floor soap.

4. Oxygen Whitener to clean the grout Video: How to clean stains and cement remains (RUBI RC 11 CEMENT REMOVERS METAL SURFACES) Clean your tile to get rid of all the dirt on the surface and crumbs that could make cleaning your grout more tedious by cleaning the tiles before getting the grout clean. You can use your regular cleaning program by scrubbing and sweeping floors or using a spray cleaner to clean the worktops. Or you can create your own solution. It can be used oxygen compound, which is a safe whitening compound, which works to dissolve bacteria and dirt while whitening grout. Mix equal parts of hot water and lye to make the solution and allow the mixture to dissolve. To apply the Cleaner choose your outlet area, no more than one or two square feet at a time, and pour it into your bleaching. You have to make sure that the grout is completely coated with the liquid. You can use a spray bottle if it makes it easier to do it. Then leave the solution to work in the grout for about 15 to 20 minutes to clean the grout. Then you can start scrubbing in the grout to remove dirt and stains. Use a small brush, such as a toothbrush to rub into the grout. You can also add more chlorine if you want to keep the area more and accelerate the cleaning process. When the bleaching process is finished, then you need to absorb excess tea fluid. Take a dry towel or any fabric suitable for you and clean the dirty water that bleach pools on the tile when you finish scrubbing. If there is a lot of dirty water then they carry out the towel between uses. Doing this will make it easier to finish cleaning at the end. Repeat the Bleach application process to scrub the grout and out until you have finished all your tile area. If it has stain resistant in grout, then you can apply bleach for one hour and since it is most suitable for you. The longer you let it soak the easier it will be for you to scrub the stain. It's the last step to clean the grout. Make a definitive mop of your tile before you clean it again as it normally does, it would be. One last clean will remove any bleach and dirt and leave your grout shiny and as new.

5. Clean up spills immediately This step will help you take care of your grout. If you are going to stop cranberry or orange juice you sit in the grout for a few hours, then it will definitely leave a stain. As soon as something spills on your floor, wipe it off with a damp cloth to remove any traces. If the stains are left behind and then pour some hydrogen peroxide on it. Let stand for one minute before cleaning with a clean cloth. Dry spills can also stain grout if left on the ground. Bar ground coffee, lumps and other solids soon after they have been released.

6. Treat small spots regularly If you want to take care of your grout and avoid having a thorough cleaning too often, then clean the small spots regularly. Use the same cleaning solution you used for deep cleaning, but use a spray bottle to treat the small area you want to clean. You can also try small alternative stain cleaning methods. Use baking soda paste and mix with a little water to make a paste. Then rub into the stained section of the grout. Allow to operate for a few minutes using a toothbrush to scrub the trash. Use White Toothpaste. Apply a little bit of toothpaste to the grout, then rub with your finger. Then leave it for a few minutes and rub the area with the help of a toothbrush. Wipe with a clean, damp cloth. You can use a rubber eraser for the smallest spots. A pencil eraser does a surprisingly good job. Always choose white Eraser instead of a different color eraser. If you choose a color paste that will end with death your grout.

7. Keep the ventilated area Video: grouting ceramic floor and removing grout Mold and fungus often affect grout in bathrooms, tend to stay wet and moist for hours at a time. The pump should be used after taking a shower or a bath. Clean the wet tile to keep your grout from getting moldy.

8. Apply Sealant Grout Always try to apply a grout sealant once a year. The application of a commercial grout sealer may help prevent spills from seeping quickly into the grout pores. Help with bath mold and mildew. A grout sealant may be purchased from your hardware store and applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

9.) Dye it in a different color Video: Efficiently clean the joints of the floor tiles and walls. Something white to keep in the grout is not a practical option. If you can dye your hair, or if you have children who like to paint in the kitchen. Consider obtaining a grout stain and its use to dye the grout in a different color. You can choose a color that matches your tile or something completely different for a contrast effect.

10. Know when to replace your grout Older grout begins to crack and crumble and worsen as they come into contact with the mixture. Moisture gets into fácilemte and degrades the soil below in time. Then he understood that his time to replace his grout, as it makes it easier to clean and prevents mold formation root so often.