Tuesday, May 7, 2019

How to eliminate old grout and not die in the attempt

How to eliminate old grout and not die in the attempt

1st: We all suffer sooner or later the problem of having to eliminate the blessed grout that gave us our "Experienced Pool builder" :hammerdrill:

None, I repeat none of the cements used for grouts are formulated to be continually "soaking".
For the grouting of the tile in Pisicnas you must use specific products like the ones discussed here:

2nd: Preparation of the joints, half filled even from the previous deteriorated cement.

    It is one of the big mistakes :hammer: that is made when you make a grouting. It is thought that the cement is like a painting and is given almost as such, and of course, it behaves, after filling the pool is much clear, in a few months later the joints present the pitiful state they had before the grout.

Grout Cleaner Product

    Inevitably, the remainders of previous grouting must be extracted in its entirety, leaving practically visible the glue of the tile. It is necessary between 3 and 4 mm of depth in the gasket so that the cement grips well. I know it's very laborious, but doing it another way is wasting time and money. Without counting the frustration that is going to be found every day and indefinitely in the background the slats of the cement detached

    Methods for emptying and sanitizing joints ? As the thin screwdriver, moistened aged gaskets come out as butter. Someone will ask me if I have calculated the linear meters of joints that can be in a pool of medium sized tile, and yes, I have, and is to get sweaty before you start with the emptying. We can help with a pressure water cleaner (Karcher or similar) with extreme care to not also affect the glue of the tile and this is detached. This can happen if the tile has bad clamping status.

    But there is fortunately a trick for chemistry to do this work for us: The water is heavily acidified. In fact, we remember that one of the reasons for maintaining and a pH of not less than 7 is to avoid the corrosion of the joints. The water with a ph between 5.5 and 6.5, in combination with a alkalinity lower than 50 has a Langelier index next to-1 and "Zampa" materially the joints. That if, very slowly, little by little, but after several weeks or months the meetings will have disappeared. But the downside is that if we do not stop the process at the time, then it begins to affect the glue and the gresites can become detached.

    Therefore, it is only a matter of planning ahead The grouting: For those who want it already for the next season, begin already lowering the alkalinity pouring as described in a specific thread (by water aeration and by addition etching), and then reduce the pH by dosing also more slowly.
    The amount of etching we need is immense, consider that the pH scale is logarithmic, it takes 10 times more acid to lower the pH of 6 to 5 than 7 to 6. Therefore, it will be difficult for us to move from Salfuman

    Weekly The lowering of the joints (move the water with the pump so that the acid is distributed well by all the volume), if we see that the emptying is null or too slow, vertamos then another of Salfuman in the water. When we see that the cement has disappeared, stop the process and replace an acceptable pH (over 7) so that the water does not continue with the corrosion of the glue. Take care that during the process the chlorine level does not fall too low and the water becomes green. We can prevent the emergence of algae with a low level of desinféctate by dosing secondary ammonium gas at the recommended doses on the product label.

Shortly before starting the grouting, empty the water and proceed to remove the remains of the old grout that have resisted the acid attack, use the pressure washer at its discretion to clean the gaskets.

The application of grouting cement should be made with ambient temperatures not exceeding 20 º C or less than 5 º C , to avoid freezing of grouting material or rapid hardening. The ideal time for grouting is at the end of winter-early spring, depends on climatic zone, apply the cement with a spatula or rubber trowel (no Embadúrnarlo with a brush) attempted to fill the entire gasket and immediately after removing the Burr with a cloth, sponge or esparto pad before hardening.

A greeting,