Tuesday, May 7, 2019

How to grout pools

How to grout pools

Pool Grout: What it is, what it's for and how it's applied

For grouting a pool, take special care with the material to be used. Not all types of cements are suitable for pooling, so you have to study well the best options and thus get a beautiful pool, durable and algae-free.

Grout Cleaner Product

It is difficult to imagine a pool with a tile surface that is not properly grouted. To cover the joints of the tiles gives them greater grip, resistance and durability. In addition, the

Endows with beauty and gives them a uniform and balanced appearance. In this article we will talk about pool grout and how to use them.

What is the pool grout?

It is to cover each of the joints or separation of the tiles

s once they are installed. This is a compulsory procedure when installing tiles or tile in any place of the house, and if it is in a pool its level of obligation and importance increase exponentially. A good pool grout (as it is also known) depends on its durability.

Why is swimming pool so important?

It happens that to coat a pool is usually used tiles or GRE

Site. Both materials are durable and ideal for swimming pool coating, but when installing the plates on the surface you must leave a gap between them about approximately 2 millimeters.

Through that seemingly tiny and negligible separation you can filter the water, you can peel off the tile or tile and, also, you can fill the pool with algae.

That's why pool grout is very important. By covering that gap between one tile and the other, you can make the pool liner waterproof – thereby avoiding water seepage-, making the tiles more grippy and thus lasting longer.
What materials can be used for to pool grout?

There are various materials for pool grouting, but there are more functional ones than others. If you select the most suitable material, you will have half of the work done.

White glue cement can be used for grouting. This is because it is easy to expand by the surface of the pool. However, this cement does not have the necessary properties for use in areas with such a presence of water, so if you use it for grouting, surely over the months will start to fall and thus damage the aesthetic aspect of the pool.

Why is that? The white cement does not withstand the water pressure, so in a short time will yield and fall. This can, in turn, cause the tile to peel off, forcing the fallen plates to replace and make a new grout.

However, there is a pool material created from white cement. It is a special composition of white cement, epoxy resin, marble powder and other components that give it the necessary characteristics for grouting.

However, the ideal materials for this work are the special mortars for joints. These mortars are manufactured to withstand the pressure of water and chemicals used when cleaning the pool. They are durable, waterproof and prevent the proliferation of microorganisms.

Of course, mortars are more resistant than others, but most have the same characteristics; Resistance, fast drying, grip and functionality.

Grouts can be used in all types of swimming pools and are, in fact, the most used at the time of grouting.

How do I prepare the mortar for joints?

It depends on the manufacturer. There are many brands of grout mortars. However, their method of preparation is-almost always-similar.

Add water and a bit of the mortar to a container to prepare the joint mortar. It should be mixed until it has a homogeneous consistency and no lumps. Once you are ready, you can proceed to grout the pool.

How to Pool?

Pool grouting is a simple job but requires a lot of care and, above all, experience. The first thing to do is to select the suitable material or pool; A mortar for joints. Then proceed as follows:

1-Clean the pool surface: Before you start grouting, clean the pool to remove any traces of dust, grease or any dirt you may have. To do this you can use cleaning products for swimming pools. It should also be taken care that the surface is dry, so that the grouting has better results.

2-Apply the mortar for joints: When the pool is completely clean and dry, the mortar mixture is made and applied using a rubber trowel.

The mortar should be extended, with the help of the rubber trowel, by the surface of the pool, taking care that the joints are completely filled and without gaps.

3-Let the mixture dry: Let the mixture dry for approximately half an hour. Ideally, do not dry completely to remove excess mortar from the surface.

When the joint mortar is a bit dry, the mixture that has been left with a squeegee or any other similar appliance is removed. This should be done with diagonal movements so as not to remove the mixture from the joints. 

4-Clean the surface: Once the excess mortar has been removed for joints, clean the area with a damp sponge. This should be done with diagonal or circular movements in the same direction as the hands of the clock. Then the grout area must be completely dried.

5-Remove the remaining mortar for joints: When the surface is completely dry, the remaining mortar must be cleaned with a dry tissue until the area is free of dust and mortar residue.


  • -Always seek the help of professionals.
  • -Use the special mortar for grouting to last longer.
  • -When assembling the pool, start on the floor. So you won't get any mortar residue on the joints when you're grouting the wall.
  • -Work by zones, this way you avoid that the mortar dries before you can start to remove it.
  • -If your pool has already been grouted, you must remove and clean the areas where the grout has fallen.

If you take these procedures into account, your pool grout will be firm, uniform, beautiful and will last you for a long time.