Monday, May 20, 2019

Bounty Select-a-Size Paper Towels, White, 8 Huge Rolls = 20 Regular Rolls

Bounty Select-a-Size Paper Towels, White, 8 Huge Rolls = 20 Regular Rolls

12 Ways to use paper towels

We use the kitchen paper all the time, we all do, but surely you've never noticed the versatility they can have. From helping us to remove the fat from our soup to serve us as a coffee filter. Want to know more? Take a look at these helpful tips and don't forget to have paper towels handy.

1. Thaw Bread

This tip is very easy, you just have to put a loaf of bread unfrozen in a bag, inside a paper towel. When you want to eat it, remove it again and let it thaw. The paper towel will absorb all the moisture that is produced.
2. Degrease The Sewing machine
Use this trick to continue what you were working without any delay. Take a paper towel and thread your sewing machine with it. Sew a series of lines to remove any residual grease from lubrication.
3. Check if you can use old seeds
If you wonder if you can plant that old bundle of seeds you just saw, here we tell you how: it cushions two paper towels and places a few seeds in them. Cover the seeds with two moistened paper towels. Keep the paper towels moist for the next two weeks, and if most seeds sprout, you can plant the rest of the package.

Bounty Select-a-Size Paper Towels, White, 8 Huge Rolls = 20 Regular Rolls
 Bounty Select-a-Size Paper Towels, White, 8 Huge Rolls = 20 Regular Rolls

4. Clean can opener
The dirt that accumulates over time on the cutting wheels of your can opener should definitely not touch your food. Open the handles of your can opener, place a paper towel between your wheels, close again and turn the crank so that all the dirt is peeled off on the paper towel.
5. Emergency Coffee Filter
Have you ever had the need for a quick caffeine dose and don't have any coffee filters on hand? Take a paper towel, put in a cone shaped coffee filter and double the required terms. Then, cut the part of the paper towel that extends over the edge of the filter to make sure the filter cartridge closes properly and filters the coffee.
6. Dehydrate Brown sugar
Natural brown sugar has a high moisture content, which means it will start to stick if it doesn't run out quickly, becoming lumps that are difficult to use. Put the brown sugar in a bowl and cover with a damp paper towel. Let it rest all night and use again in the morning.
7. Keep the cast iron pots in good condition
Cast iron pans are expensive and require a little maintenance. After use, clean the skillet down with paper towels to remove oil and food. When washing, make sure to dry it on the stove and rub it with a paper towel moistened with grease to keep it in good condition.
8. Remove Wax Stains
Do not worry if you have spilled wax on a beautiful piece of furniture or if your grandson made some scribbles on the walls you had just finished painting, a paper towel will fix it. Place one over the wax stain and pass a sheet of clothing, low level, above it. The wax will be absorbed and the stain disappears.
9. Do some Compostajes
The carbon contained in paper towels makes them great allies when it comes to adding them to your manure management system. Once you have finished using them, turn your paper towels into composting material to add air to your compost. This will encourage microorganisms to grow, so it is healthy and beautiful.
10. Fat-free Bacon
Place two paper towels on the bottom of your microwave oven, put in the bacon slices you want to eat and cover with two other paper towels. Set the microwave power to high and cook the bacon for one minute at a time. It will be nice and fresh after 4 minutes.