Sunday, May 19, 2019

Simpli-Magic 79100 White Shop Towels Natural (14" x 12") - 50 Pack,

Simpli-Magic 79100 White Shop Towels Natural (14" x 12") - 50 Pack,

Paper Towel or Air Dryer: Which is better?

If you are a person concerned about your own health, have you ever wondered more than once after washing your hands in a public toilet, which would be more hygienic at the time of drying, paper towel or air dryer?

Use those individual paper towels or dryer systems that use air jets or hot air, found in some places less often than sheets of paper?

Another issue that may sadly pass through the minds of fewer people is the impact that each of these media can have on the environment. What would be worth more: the production of countless sheets of paper and the disposal of them or the expense of electric energy caused by air blowing machines?

Whatever your doubt about drying hands outside our homes, where using a shared towel would obviously be much more unhygienic than any of the other options, let's try to elucidate as much as possible about this and answer that question which has caused great friction on the part of the stakeholders, both in the producers of the sheets of paper and in the manufacturers of the dryers.

Simpli-Magic 79100 White Shop Towels Natural (14" x 12") - 50 Pack,
 Simpli-Magic 79100 White Shop Towels Natural (14 x 12) - 50 Pack,

Studies Show Air Dryer Risk

When they came on the market, air dryers seemed the perfect solution not to waste paper. It appeared that the dispute paper towel or air dryer would be closed in favor of the dryer.

However, studies such as those at the prestigious University of Westminster in England have shown that while on the one hand they are a little more economical, on the other hand they generate less hygiene and health, since they carry greater risks of bacterial transmission. In addition, they cause user dissatisfaction as they do not completely dry their hands.

Paper Towel: Faster and More Efficient

Most people, outside their daily environment, wash and soapy their hands in the shortest possible time. The average time used is 11 seconds, with a slight variation between men and women, since these are more careful.

This time leaves residual germs on the skin, which can be removed more effectively by disposable paper towels.

Paper towels are also more effective than cotton towels in reducing bacteria on hand drying.

Air Dryer Generates Germ Proliferation
Few use the air units for the required 30 seconds. The men give up after 19.6 seconds and the women after 25.4 seconds.

Thus, about 40% of users prefer to rub their hands on their clothes or use handkerchiefs to complete drying, creating germ-friendly situations. While paper towels help to remove bacteria during drying, the use of hot air dryers greatly increases their amount.

So, Paper Towel or Air Dryer?

Airborne: Many germs harmful to human health are in fact transmitted by the air current.

Temperature Factor: Most of the bacteria that cause intestinal infection such as: salmonella and staphylococcus aureus develop more easily between temperatures ranging from 20 to 45 degrees celsius. Which one do you prefer to dry your hands with?

Time Spent: It's a fact, people prefer to spend as little time as possible inside the bathroom. The drying process of the air dryers does not contribute to user satisfaction.

Risk of Contamination:
The use of air dryers in hospitals is completely inadequate. The directed air jet in the hands helps the spread of the microorganisms and there is the serious risk of cross-contamination.

Wet Floor: Air dryers are generally more expensive, are available in fewer numbers and far from the sinks. The user walks the way to the device more frequently.

Excess Noise: Air Dryers generate noise from 50 dB. The sounds produced in this range cause a great sensation of discomfort to the human ears.

Operational Cost: Air dryers are more expensive in continued maintenance. There is a false promise that they by avoiding paper use have less environmental impact and are less expensive.

And the high cost with electric power to be able to work? We only source raw material from reforested areas of sustainable management, and the manufacturing processes are all certified.

Who Likes Rows? In the bathrooms of great flow is very common, before the apparatuses of air, the presence of rows. The use of paper towels is collective and can be done simultaneously by many people. Waiting queue for air dryer

Was our article useful to you? Then leave your comment, telling us what you prefer when you dry your hands or what equipment your company owns. If you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions, please let us know with a comment below!